Saturday, April 27, 2013

Food Diary Entry

I'd like to take this moment and thank all of you for your kind support. I hope that my blog will please you as I continue on this journey of a healthier lifestyle.

I can't believe how fast the weeks go by now. I can't believe how fast this year flew by either. May is a few days away and my trip to Orlando will be here before I know it. While living in Florida for a few months, I'm already in the planning stages of what my grocery runs will entail. I will be tempted to buy cheap, easy to prepare meals that are loaded with calories and sodium and I will NOT buy them. haha.  Speaking of food...

Below are photographs of the food I ate today:

  •  Breakfast: Two egg cheese omelet with one apple (330 calories). 

  • Lunch: Romaine lettuce with strawberries, one hard boiled egg, turkey, and two TBSP of Low Fat Raspberry Walnut dressing.  Not pictured: One Weight Watchers mint patty (354 calories).

  • Dinner: Whole grain pasta and Kielbasa (1 SMALL serving from this plate). Not pictured: Vanilla yogurt, and one Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich (550 calories). 

  • Not pictured: Another WW candy (50)

I track my calorie intake by using an application called MyFitnessPal. It allows me to eat 1700 calories a day with 466 calories left for April 27th. I think about the consequences of eating certain foods now: "Do I eat just to eat so I can finish my calorie intake?" What is the answer? No! :) In the past I would eat anything that would total my calorie intake. I don't think it's healthy to eat a bag of fries as a snack just to reach your calorie intake. I love MyFitnessPal because it shows me that certain foods I used to eat are not worth the calories anymore. 

Thank you all for following this blog! 

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