Friday, May 3, 2013


First off, thank you guys for showing your support with your kind words. I really appreciate it and I read every single comment I get. I'm going to be bringing more changes to this blog over the next several weeks to spice things up a bit, so be sure to stayed tuned if you want to see those changes. :)

Secondly, I've required an injury on Wednesday and that has me rethinking things. Perhaps have overworking my body? Should I workout every other day? What caused this pain? I've done a lot of research and the pain is in both shins and my research is telling me I have shin splints. I've been in excruciating pain after every walk, run, and Zumba workout and it's depressing. While I didn't do a terrible job yesterday and today [food journal entries] I could have done a lot better. Suffering from this pain has made me think, "What's the point of even doing it anymore? This injury is permanent now, so I can eat this. Luckily, the foods I did eat were within my calorie intake. Yesterday, I ended the day with 300 calories left, and I'm ending today a little over 600 left.

What does this mean for my workouts? Well, I'm workout free for the rest of this weekend in regards to jumping and anything lower body related. I'm going to start lifting weights while I watch my favorite show to get something in. I weigh in on Monday and I'd love to lose 2 pounds from this situation. It would be miraculous to see that after coming from an injury.

While my research I've done says I have shin splints, I'm going to try to go in for a proper diagnosis later this week. I will definitely keep all of my lovely followers posted on my recovery.

Thank you for your kind support!



  1. Bethany, did you read my comment from 4/29? If not, go ahead and read it, and I'll add this: Whatever happens, don't give up! Your injury isn't forever, it'll soon heal, I'm sure. And having said that, I want you to know that in the past three months, I've lost nearly 9 pounds with absolutely no exercise at all! Losing weight is about taking in less calories than you use (but no less than 1200 calories/day). That's the truth! Exercising is very healthy when done properly, but it's not absolutely necessary to lose weight--it just accelerates the process. Do you still crave the foods you used to eat that are off limits now? You can still have them but in very small portions. Still, stay away from the high-fat options. I love grilled cheese sandwiches, but when I crave a comfort food like that, I go ahead and have it but with hardly any butter and a low-fat cheese. Yummy. Again, please don't give up. I've lost a total of about 17 pounds (a lot for my 5'1" frame), and I can tell you that feeling the way I do now vs. before the weight loss is way, WAY better than eating all the things I used to eat. No food is worth it! I'm so proud of you, Bethany. Keep going, I know you can get to your goal, even without exercising for a while. If it takes longer than you think it should take to lose the weight, don't let that stop you or frustrate you. Slower weight loss is better, anyway. Calm down, stop worrying about the scale, and let your new eating patterns become ingrained into your life. Enjoy life without the prospect of what you could be eating. The weight will come off. --Mrs. Barham

  2. Oh, one more thing: All the exercise you really need to do is 30-45 minutes of walking or biking 3-5 days per week. You won't get injured with that. But anything more hardcore (besides the Zumba) should be added in small steps. Please take it easy!

  3. Love the new look of your blog! Take it easy on your body. It DOES need recovery time. Pace yourself. Nothing good comes quick or easy. :)

  4. Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury and I hope you are feeling better! Lifting weights is such a good idea, especially with something like Doctor Who playing in the background. [; I believe in you, don't give up!
