Saturday, May 4, 2013

Weight Loss Phenomenon: Dandelion Root Tea

My mom recently brought home a weight loss magazine that contains helpful hints to lose the extra pounds. While dieting and exercising right helps, there are some other ways that can show results. One of those ways is in tea form. I'm not a big tea drinker, so I usually stick to coffee. I'm a huge fan of peppermint mochas from various coffee shops and tea has always tasted very bland to me. I do; however, enjoy the taste of tea now. It took time for me to enjoy it and now I love drinking tea. My favorite is Earl of Grey; especially on a really cold day.

Dandelion Root Tea

This new tea we bought today has a very interesting flavor. If you like your tea sweet you can put a little bit of sugar in it to spice things up.

To see the results, you have to drink the tea 3-4 times for two days. Many people who use this tea as a weight loss supplement see a change in their bodies by losing 3-5 pounds. I just tried this tea and have yet to see results, but I will definitely keep you guys updated over the next few days.

Dandelion Root Tea can be bought in your local drug or vitamin store. We bought ours at the Vitamin Shoppe and it was on sale for $6.99.


  1. Love that sentence, "It took time for me to enjoy it and now I love drinking tea." For some reason, that's a beautiful sentence. I guess some people would just say they hate tea and then never try it again. I'm glad you kept trying it and like it now. I grew up with tea and love it. Coffee doesn't quench my thirst but tea does, and I think it's calming. Coffee is kind of like a desert to me.

  2. This can be beneficial, but be careful! This isn't a tea you want to make a daily habit!I have heard multiple times that there can be side effects from overuse.

  3. “It took time for me to enjoy it and now I love drinking tea.” – I guess that makes two of us! I’m really fond of drinking tea. In fact, I’ve tried lots of teas, and Dandelion is one of them, and I quite enjoyed it. But right now, I’m trying Oolong tea. I read somewhere that this kind of tea can help increase the metabolism and boost the immune system. (Consuela Vanantwerp )

  4. How is this tea working out for you? Have you been drinking it every day, or on a regular basis? I've been wanting a new tea in my life - this is such a good idea. Thanks for the inspiration!
